3 quick question for the premiere with Ondrej Nemecek!
Publicerad: 2023-09-16
Before the coming SSL-premiere on Sunday the 17th of September the players have gotten to reply to three questions. Time for Ondrej Nemecek's replies.

Who will decide the first game of the SSL and why?
− Sakarius Ulriksson, nothing stops him from scoring.

Which game do you look forward to most this season and why?
− Home game against Falun. Top match and my friends are coming. Semis of Champions Cup as well, I hope we will play against Czech team.

In general what do you think will be most fun this season?
− Fitting into new team and getting better with every game.

Sunday the 17th of September it is time for our SSL-premiere at home at 18:30 CET. We face Team Thorengruppen SK in IFU Arena.

Watch SSL-games here!

Get your tickets here!

Adam Troy